Thursday, May 29, 2014

I hate my situation.

Imagine for a moment that you can't afford all the things that you take for granted; car, internet, phone, entertainment, etc.
Now imagine the only thing you have to work with is $700/mo, and maybe $200/mo for food, if you're lucky, and where your rent is $400/mo at the lowest (mind you, this is for decent living space and in an area that isn't known for it's crime). If you want a cell phone (which is pretty required these days), you'd have to pay at least $50/mo for it. If you want internet, that could cost you upward for $60-$70/mo, just for the sake of argument, lets add entertainment in with that because you can always watch something on youtube, as crappy as that entertainment is. Let's check the balance so far:


$190. That's how much you have left over for essentials and bills (though, I always count bills and essentials first, so basically there would be less than that). $190/mo for personal care items, bills like electric and water, and whatever you can't think of on a daily/monthly basis that could happen (emergency money). And that's ONLY if the rent you pay is only $400.

Most people have 3 times that amount to live on. Again, keep in mind, this is WITH NO CAR, so you have zero transportation capability at this point.

Welcome to my life. Still think welfare is just a charity where people live comfortably? If you answered yes, you're a dumbass that has never had to live off of welfare and doesn't know jack shit about it.

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