Thursday, May 29, 2014

I hate my situation.

Imagine for a moment that you can't afford all the things that you take for granted; car, internet, phone, entertainment, etc.
Now imagine the only thing you have to work with is $700/mo, and maybe $200/mo for food, if you're lucky, and where your rent is $400/mo at the lowest (mind you, this is for decent living space and in an area that isn't known for it's crime). If you want a cell phone (which is pretty required these days), you'd have to pay at least $50/mo for it. If you want internet, that could cost you upward for $60-$70/mo, just for the sake of argument, lets add entertainment in with that because you can always watch something on youtube, as crappy as that entertainment is. Let's check the balance so far:


$190. That's how much you have left over for essentials and bills (though, I always count bills and essentials first, so basically there would be less than that). $190/mo for personal care items, bills like electric and water, and whatever you can't think of on a daily/monthly basis that could happen (emergency money). And that's ONLY if the rent you pay is only $400.

Most people have 3 times that amount to live on. Again, keep in mind, this is WITH NO CAR, so you have zero transportation capability at this point.

Welcome to my life. Still think welfare is just a charity where people live comfortably? If you answered yes, you're a dumbass that has never had to live off of welfare and doesn't know jack shit about it.

Friday, April 18, 2014

The latest

The current schedule:

Mon-Thu; 11:00 PM EST: Game Streaming on
Fri; 10 PM EST: Poker Night

Weekends: Occasional livestream

Other: Livestream events and times vary, depending on the day and what all is going on.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Been a while

It's been a while since I last posted, so it's definitely time for an update.

I started youtube again, I decided it was better to have it and enjoy doing it, than to not have it because of people who like to annoy me. With youtube's new detection, it'll be a simple matter of filtering out comments that contain key phrases that would be offensive and counter-productive.

Poker night will be coming back as well as Hanging with Jaden, and Rants With Jaden. I will also be live streaming games, though I am unsure when this will take place.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Time wasted, yet again.

So, I started revitalizing my old paranormal forum, only to find that half the initial members only joined either out of curiosity of who was on it already, or just to make me feel better (but aren't going to say that).
I'm sick and tired of wasting my time on stuff that has absolutely no positive result, based on the word of people who don't even care about it to begin with!
And just now, one person is telling me I need more confidence! It's not about my confidence, my confidence is what gets me to start these things to begin with, it won't solve the real problem, which is people not taking me seriously, people with hidden intentions, and people who on joined because they know me, but aren't remotely interested in participating.

From now on, I'm not going to bother with this stuff anymore. If people were even half as serious about it as I have been for this past 2 years, it would've taken off very well, but that's not the case so there's little point in continuing the same old shit expecting something to change.
The facts are: I'm a nobody, everything I do will always be ignored, and neither of those facts will ever change so there's no point in having any faith that they will.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Here's an old puzzle game I used to play all the time. Enjoy!

Match each number so they all correspond with an adjacent tile.

7 must always match with another 7, while a 4 on the same tile must match up with another 4 on another tile.

  6     8
2+4 4+4
  7     9
  7     9
1+6 6+5
  2     8

Monday, August 26, 2013

I've reached the point where I'm going to be abrasive, like it or not.

I've reached my limit of tolerance of people and their stupidity. If I seriously am going to be insulted by people who later save face and ultimately face no real consequences, after clearly breaking forum rules (by saying that's not what they meant to do, even though it's blatently obvious), then I'm not going to give a shit what anyone says, I'm going to bite back, and It's not going to be all roses and wine. I'm so sick of being stepped on in that fuck-heap of a forum and then having the mods get in my face because I stood up for myself and won't put up with it. If they want to ban me for speaking out against such bullshit, then they're free to do so, but you can bet your ass I will take action if they do.

This is the second time they've done this, and frankly I'm tired of everyone making it as if I'm the one in the wrong when I didn't even start the whole mess to begin with!

I'm seriously evaluating whether or not I should even remain on that forum at this point.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

A comic that I do every now and then to express my opinion: